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Thermal Power

Thermal Power

Thermal Power


The market for power equipment and services in India will continue to grow rapidly for many years given the burgeoning demand for electricity. We have put together India's largest project database for the power sector, making it easier for you to scout for business opportunities.

India is one of the largest markets for power equipment and services in the world.

Our in-house team has collected two sets of data points, one for installed capacities and another for upcoming capacities. A comprehensive matrix has been set in place to capture all relevant information on existing capacity, going down from the level of the company to the facility and on to individual units within a facility. This data is immensely helpful for those looking to cater to maintenance or replacement oriented opportunities.

An automatic e-mail based alert system tells you about immediate requirements for critical equipment and services when a shutdown occurs. Alerts are sent well in advance about the nature and type of the planned maintenance exercise within a power facility or a unit.

Digging deeper, we also collect data for individual pieces of equipment – including the type and specifications of turbines and generators -- within a power facility.

New projects are traced from the drawing board stage and tracked till they are commissioned. We keep you posted right from the time of planning to capital approval to site selection, going forward to basic engineering, selection of contractors, eventually culminating in construction and commissioning. Our analysts are always looking for commercially relevant information, in terms of future RFQ and construction start dates, along with names of key contacts. Actionable intelligence is what we give you to further your business in the Indian power sector.

Our project news coverage is unique and involves giving updates on:

  • Planning to Commissioning schedules (multiple tracking from pre-feasibility to commissioning)
  • Milestone events and dates (Capital Approval, RFQ date, release date, start and completion dates)
  • Key project developments
  • Project requirements (Timing and requirement parameters for key equipment & services)
  • Project contractors and sub-contractors and their requirements
  • Planned and Unplanned maintenance schedules
  • Appointments of key project contacts among promoters and EPC companies

Our news is structured for use by suppliers of products and services in the power industry. Live news is flashed directly from validated sources to give you exclusive and actionable project updates.

The coverage provides distinct business opportunities on upcoming bid dates floated by promoters and EPC or PMC companies.

Our reportage on demand for coal and other materials when projects go on stream provides business opportunities for suppliers of raw materials and intermediates


Manager Content
Aniruddha Sharma
Tel: +91 9810156957

Manager Support
Vivek Parmar
Tel: 011-41553860

E-1, First Floor
Gora Street, ShahpurJat
New Dehi - 110049.