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Rs 3000 crore greenfield hydroelectric plant: RFQ in Q2, 2020
Feb 24: Project Name: Greenfield Hydroelectric Power Station
8Project Cost: 3000. crore
8Project Description: DPR submitted to CEA on 30th August 2019 and the DPR acceptance meeting was held in October 2019, out of 24 aspects 5 have been cleared. Geological investigation completed and the report has been accepted by the Geological Survey of India(GSI). Drilling was completed. Voyants Solutions Private Limited is carrying out the draft EIA report. Balance data from the SIA report for inclusion in the EIA & EMP report is being prepared. Revised CAT plan accepted by concerned DFOs in August 2019. Diversion of forest land is under process with concerned DFOs and it is yet to be finalized. However, the Identification of land for compensatory afforestation is in process and 647 ha land out of 795 ha has been identified so far. Identification of balance land is under process with District Administration. The SIA study was completed by Plan Foundation and the same report was approved by GoHP in October 2019. Further bids are expected soon. 
8Project EventRFQ for the civil works(Package-1) is expected by Q2 2020.
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