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Electricity Act Amendements: Sweeping new changes
Sep 10: The amendments to the Electricity Act 2003 are finally out for public discussion.
8Many changes have been incorporated and new nomenclature, such as "decentralized distribution generation" or a "renewable energy service company" or "smart grid" and "smart metering", have been introduced.
8The infusion of renewable energy and the mechanisms to deal with it have been spelled out
8Given that the grid has now become sensitive to large infusions and withdrawals, penalties are going to be high for disobeying RLDC directions.
8Discretion has been provided to include more than one distributor within a single geographical area. A distribution licence will no longer be automatically extended if the operator is at fault.
8Consumers will over 1 MW load will be able to procure their own power from anyone using the open access option
8Fuel and power price adjustments will not be allowed for recovery of all prudent costs but tariffs determined through a transparent process of government bidding will not be allowed to be re-determined.
8All customers will pay full cost of power and subsidies, if any, will be transferred to the bank accounts of beneficiaries.
8Commissions will now have the powers of a civil court.
8The constitution of regulatory bodies and selection of regulators are being thoroughly revamped.
8A delayed payment charge of 18% will be levied if a tariff pass through is upheld after it is appealed against
8These and many other changes have been incorporated in the amendments.
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